Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Cultures Littéraires Européennes


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Susana Guerrero Lúa, Μεξικό (Εισαχθεντες 2019-2021)

Senza dubbio il programma di studio CLE è stata una delle esperienze di maggior rilievo della mia vita. Dopo aver provato varie volte a ottenere la borsa di studio, al quarto tentativo ci sono finalmente riuscita. Il programma ha superato le mie aspettative, è ben struttuato e copre numerose aree di apprendimento, come l'adattamento alle culture straniere e, soprattutto, diversità e inclusione. Il mio primo anno l'ho trascorso all'Università di Strasburgo, dove ho potuto frequentare seminari di mio interesse in due lingue diverse. Le lezioni sono state molto interessanti e ho avuto l'opportunità, tra le tante, di incontrare lo sceneggiatore, paroliere e poeta indiano Javed Akhtar. Un avvenimento che mi ha lasciato ricordi molto vividi e significativi. Oltre ai seminari e alle conferenze, ho partecipato ad attività culturali previste all'interno del programma, come spettacoli teatrali e visite a musei. Read more

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Aditi Khasa, Ινδία (Εισαχθεντες 2018-2020)

L’expérience de Master CLE était vraiment l’expérience de ma vie. Étant une étudiante de la langue et la culture française en Inde, d’être acceptée pour Master CLE était, pour moi, un rêve réalisé, une opportunité de découvrir enfin la culture qui m’était connue seulement d’une distance.
Pour deux ans, j’ai eu l’occasion de rencontrer et de fraterniser avec les personnes de divers pays et cultures. Notre espace partagé est devenu un espace dynamique, inclusive et évidemment, multiculturel. Les amitiés qu’on a développé durant ce temps ont rendu ma vie plus riche que jamais.

À travers mes voyages et la mobilité Erasmus, j’ai également découvert la diversité qui existe en Europe. La chose la plus importante que j’ai hérité de cette expérience est la conviction que c’est possible de combler même les écarts les plus substantiels si on essaye de comprendre l’un et l’autre et nos différences. Master CLE représente les idéaux démocratiques qui existent en Europe et qui ont changé ma manière de penser et voir les choses. La diversité est la richesse et la force de notre génération, ce que j'ai eu l'occasion d'apprendre au cours de cette expérience. Mes souvenirs de ces deux ans resteront une source d’encouragement et de la confiance dans ma vie. Malgré les difficultés que j’ai rencontré, car il y aura toujours des difficultés et des défis dans le chemin de développement, je garde cette expérience très proche de mon coeur.

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Anastasiia Radchuk, Ουκρανία (Εισαχθεντες 2018-2020)

I chose the CLE Master Course for its focus on multicultural education and its wide-ranging knowledge (from literature to history, art history and language sciences) with on-site language practice in several countries. This captures the program’s strongest point: it’s intensely practical from the start. Thanks to the compulsory mobility, I studied in three countries such as France, Italy and Greece and graduated the program with a valuable set of skills. I mean, take effective communication skills, for instance.
Well, to be frank, the processes of applying for visas, resident permits, the communication with immigration offices and embassies are not always a slice of heaven, however such experiences have largely contributed to improve my problem- solving skills and helped me to become more stress-resilient. I guess that the most essential skill for me was to learn to understand and interpret various ideas and concepts. It helped to develop a strong analytical frame of mind. This was invaluable to starting my own business in game industry as a game designer from day one after graduation. Nowadays, I’m working on designing Virtual Reality Games for Learning as a part of my Innovative Teaching and Learning Project.
I believe that ideas don’t come from the vacuum. Creativity is an active process which consists in a particular point of view, in noticing a unique arrangement of the things. The CLE Master Course helps to immerse into different cultural backgrounds and in this way to explore. All in all, it is hard work, but it’s also fun, gratifying and fulfilling. I highly recommend the program to anyone heading into becoming... more creative and original.


Pia Aurelia Scheiblhuber, Γερμανία (ΕΙΣΑΧΘΕΝΤΕΣ 2017-2019)

Click here to see the interview with Pia Aurelia Scheiblhuber




Jacqueline Cassemiro, Βραζιλία (Εισαχθεντες 2017-2019)

After obtaining a degree in German Language and Literature at the University of São Paulo I was looking for a master’s degree that would allow me to develop simultaneously my most varied interests in the field, and this freedom to explore different disciplines only CLE can offer.

Mulhouse is an amazing city that has allowed me not only to develop my skills in the program languages, but also to deepen my knowledge of the German language and the culture of the German-speaking countries due to the privileged location justminutes away from the border with Germany and Switzerland. The Université de Haute-Alsace certainly exceeded all expectations by providing a range of cultural activities in addition to regular classes, such as museum visits, theater plays and musical performances.

Italy made it possible for me to discover a completely new world full of diversity in each new region visited, illustrating everything that was presented during the various courses offered by the Università di Bologna.

CLE has given me incredible memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life, whether it's a cultural trip followed by new culinary discoveries or a quiet night rediscovering classic movies under the moonlight in Piazza Maggiore.

This master's degree is the ideal choice for literature lovers and language enthusiasts like me, and I have no doubt that these varied academic experiences combined with the personal growth made possible by daily contact with people from all over the world have become an important asset for my professional life.


One semester in Dakar: a guide for beginners

Faire un semestre ERASMUS MUNDUS au Sénégal est tout sauf un choix évident. Il est aussi difficile, en effet, de le considérer un choix facile. Mais après ces six mois des découvertes et des rencontres incroyables à Dakar, nous savons aussi à quel point c’est une expérience unique, émouvante, et enrichissante. Nous proposons donc ce petit guide des ‘routards expérimentés’ à tous ceux qui y partiront bientôt, ainsi qu’à ceux qui sont toujours en doute du parcours à suivre.

Maria, Anastasiia, Lucio et Athanasia

Vedi la GUIDA di DAKAR


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