Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Cultures Littéraires Européennes

Objectives & Academic competence


The CLE Master’s program teaches students how to manage the manifold aspects of the European scene, offering them a multicultural education along three main methodological lines:

Cultural education in at least three domains of the European thought, ranging from literature to history and language sciences. High-level European languages education, complementing in-class with on-site practice in at least two countries of the CLE Consortium.

Dynamic education thanks to its program of international exchange. The CLE Master’s program wants to train dynamic and critical experts in the humanities, with a good awareness of country-specific problems and the ability to make competent decisions, relying on their rich cultural baggage.

Skill-based education intended to prepare the students to meet the needs of the job market. The CLE Master’s program offers several complementary activities (seminars with international scholars and professionals) aiming to improve at best its students' skills and to promote their employability. Therefore, the CLE Master's program also includes a one-week workshop studied to implement its students' competencies and creativity as well as their knowledge of the job market.

Academic competence

Students who obtain the Master degree in European Literary Cultures should possess a level of competence which corresponds to the “second cycle descriptor level” of the Tuning Project for European Studies.

They should be able:

- to interpret events, developments and EU policies in national, regional and local areas (through didactic units 1 and 3 of the program);
- to use different disciplinary methodologies in a complementary way (through units 1, 2 and 3);
- to develop a guided research project (through units 1 and 2) and to work independently (with the unit 4);
- to understand and interpret EU policies (through unit 3);
- to understand and interpret ideas and concepts from Europe and European integration (through units 1 and 3);
- to communicate in several international languages, using appropriate terminology (through unit 2 and mandatory Mobility required);
- to move in different countries and possess good attitudes of cultural understanding (thanks to the compulsory mobility).

As far as educational goals are concerned, a CLE graduate should:

- know at least three european languages (English, French, and Italian and/or Greek and/or Portuguese, depending on the mobility chosen);
- know the different methodologies of literary studies (national literatures, comparative literature, literature and computer science etc.);
- be able to develop a comprehensive bibliography, a research record and a research paper on a topic concerning European literature;
- know at least three areas of methodologies (e.g. history of literature, textual analysis, history, art history, history of ideas etc.) to analyze the production of European culture in depth;
- know the history and culture of Europe in order to contextualize the literary production in the broader context of European cultural history.




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