Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Cultures Littéraires Européennes

About CLE

The CLE Master's Degree Course aims to promote education with a close eye on the multicultural aspects of Europe.


CLE is a full-time 2-year Master's degree programme organized by a consortium of 5 EU and 3 NON-EU universities. It seeks to provide a high quality preparation reflecting the multicultural aspects of Europe, along three main methodological lines: cultural, dynamic and skill-based education.

At the end of the two-year program, after defending their Master’s thesis before an international committee, CLE students receive a double or multiple degree issued by the universities of the Consortium where they spent at least one semester.

The language in which the courses are offered may vary according to the University providing them.



: Open access with assessment of personal competencies.

TEACHING LOCATIONS: Bologna (Italy), Mulhouse (France), Strasbourg (France), Thessaloniki (Greece), Lisbon (Portugal), Dakar (Senegal), Mumbai (India), Tbilisi (Georgia).


The CLE Master Course is a program devoted to improving the quality of European Higher Education Area and strengthening intercultural communication.

The program encourages and supports:

- cooperation as well as student, scholar and staff exchange among universities;
- the worldwide promotion  of the image of the European Union as a space of academic excellence;
- communication between university and cultural institutions and enterprises (Museums, Publishers, Foundations) as well as public and private companies;
- better career opportunities for its graduates and access to the international workforce.

The CLE Master Course aims at providing international students with excellent T-shaped skills in:

- at least three European languages (English – mandatory, two other languages among French, Italian, Greek or Portuguese);
- at least  three domains of European culture and thought (Literature, Art, Cultural History, Ethics and Aesthetics, Science of Language).

Over the years, many additional activities (seminars, conferences, workshops, language courses...) have been entrusted to high-profile scholars/guest lecturers. The CLE intends to maintain and reinforce this successful collaboration pattern.


After fifteen successful years in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus program, the European Union has once again recognized the excellence of the CLE Master Course, confirming on june 2018 the particiaption to the Erasmus + Erasmus Mundus Joint Master  program. The CLE Master Course is selected for the third time and the European Commission confirmed the Erasmus Mundus brand name.

The program aims to:
1. foster excellence, quality improvements, innovation, and internationalisation in higher education institutions (HEI);
2. increase the quality and the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area and support the EU's external action in the higher education field;
3. improve the level of competences and skills of Master graduates, and in particular the relevance of the Joint Masters for the labour market, through an increased involvement of employers.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master programs are integrated study programs delivered by consortia of organisations from Program and Partner Countries. Academics or guest lecturers coming from all over the world contribute to the added value of CLE by teaching and researching in the Master degree program.

Thanks to its participation in the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master program, the attractiveness of the CLE Master Course will be raised further to get the best students from all over the world. The Master Course improves the level of competences and skills of Master graduates and their employability thanks to the contribution of the associated partners.

Watch the video What our students say:


For infos about CLE you can also download  the project's brochure.




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