Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Cultures Littéraires Européennes

Frequently asked questions

How long is the CLE Master Course?
The CLE Master Course is a two-year full-time academic program, during which CLE students are required to study in at least two universities of the Consortium.

Which universities can I attend?
It is mandatory to choose at least 2 European universities of the Consortium, composed by:
Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna, ITALIA
Université de Haute-Alsace (Mulhouse), FRANCE
Université de Strasbourg, FRANCE
Aristoteleion Panepistimion Thessaloniki, ELLAS
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL; 
Université Cheikh Anta Diop (Dakar), SENEGAL;
University of Mumbai, INDIA;
Tbilisi State University, GEORGIA.

The first year (first and second term) the CLE students must stay in the one and same university, the second (third and fourth term) they must stay in one or two universities of the Consortium. It is not possible to choose the NON-EU country in term 3, if one has chosen the NON-EU country in terms 1+2. In terms 3 and 4, CLE students cannot stay in the university where they attended classes in terms 1+2. CLE students cannot select two universities of the same country. Therefore, it is not possible to attend courses both in the Université de Haute-Alsace (Mulhouse) and in the Université de Strasbourg, which are in France.
For any further information and for a presentation of the four possibilities of moving between the universites of the Consortium, please visit the page Mobility.

Which activities does the CLE Master Course organize?
In addition to the institutional classes, the CLE Master Course organizes a series of Erasmus Mundus activities (seminars, conferences, guided tours, workshops and language courses). It is mandatory to attend all classes and activities.

What are the admission requirements for CLE students?
In order to apply to the CLE Master Course, the candidates must:
1. possess a BA-equivalent diploma (180 credits) allowing access to education Bac + 5 (i.e. a «Laurea triennale», a «Licence» or a Bachelor of Arts, etc.);
2. possess  a university diploma  having attended a class on the following subjects: Literature, Language (Expressions Techniques, Linguistic and Language Sciences, Philology), History, Art History;
3. know at least English (minimum level B1) and the language (minimum level B2) of the University of the Consortium where they intend to spend their first year in the program. Read more

How do I submit my application?
The candidates can apply when the call for application is open (if you want to know if the call is opened now or when the next call will be online, please visit the page Application).
In order to apply for the Erasmus Mundus CLE, the candidate must do the online application, after choosing between the two available Application Forms:
- Online Application Form for program country students (students coming from the following countries: 28 EU countries and Norway, Lichtenstein, Turkey, Iceland, Northe Macedonia and Serbia);
- Online Application Form for partner country students (students coming from all other countries).

For any further information and for a list of the documents required, please visit the page Application.

When do I choose the universities where I want to attend classes?
The candidates must indicate the universities where they intend to attend classes when they apply for the Erasmus Mundus CLE via the CLE online application form.
Depending on applications, the Consortium will decide if the students who have chosen France will go to Mulhouse or to Strasbourg.
CLE students cannot select two universities of the same country. Therefore, it is not possible to attend courses both in the Université de Haute-Alsace (Mulhouse) and in the Université de Strasbourg, which are in France. Moreover, students can choose a NON-EU University in the third semester only if they spend the first academic year in Europe.

I have already participated in an Erasmus Mundus Course; can I apply for the CLE Master Course?
Yes, but students who have already obtained an Erasmus+ EMJMD scholarship or are former Erasmus Mundus Master/Doctoral Course scholarship holders are not eligible for an additional scholarship under the EMJMD action.

What languages do I need to know to apply to the CLE?
In order to apply to the CLE Master, candidates must know at least English (minimum level B1) and the language (minimum level B2) of the university where they intend to spend their first year studies. Therefore, they have to speak English  and at least one of the following languages: French, Italian, Greek, Portuguese.

Do I have to submit a certificate attesting my language skills?
The CLE candidates must present all documents giving evidence of their level of proficiency in the required languages (e.g. diploma, university exams, language certificates).
CLE students are required to have a minimum B1 level in English and a minimum B2 level in the language of the entrance university.

Can I participate in the CLE if I know only English?
No. In addition to English (minimum level B1), CLE students must know the language (minimum level B2) of the university where they want to spend their first year in the program. Therefore, it is necessary to speak both English and at least one of the following languages: Italian, French, Greek, Portuguese.

In what language are the CLE courses taught?
Most of the CLE courses are taught in the language of the country where the university is located. However, in Bologna there are courses taught in French: at the first academic year French literature and Language and translation. French language; at the second academic year Francophone Literature.

How can I learn the language of the country where I will spend my second year studies?
During the first year, the CLE Consortium organizes language courses (in Italian, Greek and French) for CLE students.

How do I choose my first year mobility?
The first year (first and second term) CLE students must stay in the university of the Consortium of which they know the language.
For any further information and for a presentation of the four possibilities of moving between the universities of the Consortium, please visit the page Mobility.

How do I choose my second year mobility?
It is mandatory to choose at least 2 European universities of the Consortium. Therefore, it is not possible to choose the NON-EU country in term 3 and 4, if one has chosen the NON-EU country in term 1 and 2.

During the second year, CLE students who spent their first year in a European university can:
- stay in the one and same European university of the Consortium;
- stay in two different European universities of the Consortium;
- stay in the NON-EU university in term 3 and in another European university in term 4.

The EU universities of the Consortium are
Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna, ITALIA;
Université de Haute-Alsace (Mulhouse), FRANCE;
Université de Strasbourg, FRANCE;
Aristoteleion Panepistimion Thessaloniki, ELLAS;
Universidade de Lisboa, PORTUGAL

The NON-EU universities of the Consortium are:
Université Cheikh Anta Diop (Dakar), SENEGAL;
University of Mumbai, INDIA;
Tbilisi State University, GEORGIA.

For any further information and for a presentation of the four possibilities of moving between the universities of the Consortium, please visit the page Mobility.

Can I change my mobility plan during the course?
No. Students cannot change their mobility plan during the two-year course. The Candidates must indicate the universities they intend to attend when they apply for the Erasmus Mundus CLE via the CLE Online Application Form.

Can I choose both Mulhouse and Strasbourg in my mobility plan?
No. A student cannot attend two universities of the same Country. Therefore, it is not possible to attend classes both in the Université de Haute-Alsace (Mulhouse) and in the Université de Strasbourg.

Can I attend classes in Dakar, Tbisi or Mumbai in term 4?
No. It is mandatory to stay in a European university of the CLE Consortium in term 4.

Which diplomas do CLE students receive at the end of the two-year program?
At the end of the two-year program, after defending their Master’s thesis before an international committee, CLE students receive two or three diplomas issued by all the universities of the consortium where they spent at least one semester.
For more information about the titles of the issued Diplomas, please visit the following pages: Degrees.

Which are the main career perspectives for CLE graduates?
The main career perspectives for CLE graduates are:
- Doctoral research;
- A career in the European cultural institutions or local authorities involving a cultural program;
- A career in the private sector, requiring book-related skills;
- Multicultural activities (cultural mediation, social responsibility agenda);
- Journalism;
- Literary criticism;
- Radio or tv broadcasting;
- Copyediting;
- Public relation.
By means of the H.E.A.D. (Humanities and Enterprises Annual Dialogue) project, the CLE Master program encourages students’ contacts and collaboration with several institutions such as linguistic and cultural centers, foundations, museums and publishers and includes several occasions for its students to meet, discuss and collaborate with professionals of the various sectors.
For any further information and for the results of CLE survey about CLE graduates’ position, please visit the page Career Opportunities.


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