Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Cultures Littéraires Européennes

Overcoming Coronavirus, to the future and beyond!

Schermata 2020-03-25 alle 11.24.26.png

In the difficult situation that we are all experiencing, the CLE consortium lives today, always looking towards tomorrow. He is active in helping our students to cope with the multiple problems that the situation poses. All, coordinators and administrative staff, are available to students to finish the academic year in the best possible conditions. All the courses continue in the online mode, the activities (which can be done online: conferences, seminars, etc.) continue. The (virtual) contact with the students is constant. In the expectation that the situation will become clearer and allow a resumption of the activities involved, we invite students, present and future, to contact us for any need:

For Bologna:
Anna Soncini (program information, thesis, activities):
Lucia Manservisi (administrative information, activities):
Fernando Funari (information, bibliographic research, Italian and French tutoring): 
Eleonora Marzi (bibliographic research, Italian and French tutoring): 
Michele Morselli (French tutoring): 

For Mulhouse
Tania Collani (program information, thesis, activities):
Clémence Bauer (administrative information, activities):

For Strasbourg
Bertrand Marquer (program information, thesis, activities):
Patrick Werly (research, thesis, activities): 
Enrica Zanin (research, thesis, activities): 
Andrea Barthel (administrative information, activities):

For Thessaloniki
Maria Litzardaki (program information, thesis, activities):
Christine Theodoridou (administrative information, activities):

For Lisbon
José Pedro Serra (program information, thesis, activities):
Rodrigo Furtado (program information, thesis, activities): denise@Letras.ULisboa.pta

For Dakar
Augustin Coly (program information, thesis, activities):
Moussa Sagna (administrative information, activities):

For Moscow
Vera Zabotkina (program information, thesis, activities):
Elena Galtsova (program information, memoirs, activities)
Yana Zherebtsova (administrative information, activities)

For Mumbai
Vidya Vencatesan (program, administrative information, thesis, activities):



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