Click here to see the interview with Pia Aurelia Scheiblhuber
After obtaining a degree in German Language and Literature at the University of São Paulo I was looking for a master’s degree that would allow me to develop simultaneously my most varied interests in the field, and this freedom to explore different disciplines only CLE can offer.
Mulhouse is an amazing city that has allowed me not only to develop my skills in the program languages, but also to deepen my knowledge of the German language and the culture of the German-speaking countries due to the privileged location justminutes away from the border with Germany and Switzerland. The Université de Haute-Alsace certainly exceeded all expectations by providing a range of cultural activities in addition to regular classes, such as museum visits, theater plays and musical performances. Read more
Faire un semestre ERASMUS MUNDUS au Sénégal est tout sauf un choix évident. Il est aussi difficile, en effet, de le considérer un choix facile. Mais après ces six mois de découvertes et de rencontres incroyables à Dakar, nous savons aussi à quel point c’est une expérience unique, émouvante, et enrichissante. Nous proposons donc ce petit guide des ‘routards expérimentés’ à tous ceux qui y partiront bientôt, ainsi qu’à ceux qui sont toujours en doute du parcours à suivre.
Maria, Anastasiia, Lucio et Athanasia
Mon premier souvenir du master CLE est très bien gravé dans ma mémoire, j’étais à Bucarest pour un stage à l’époque. C’est le dernier jour pour déposer la candidature, j’ai pas dormi toute la nuit pour préparer le dossier. Il y a une pluie torrentielle, je traverse toute la ville pour envoyer mon dossier CLE dans le seul bureau de poste qui est ouvert dimanche. Je reviens chez moi, j’ouvre Google Maps et je me lance dans une longue contemplation des endroits auxquels je vais peut-être consacrer deux ans de ma vie. J’imagine les chants du coeur dans la cathédrale de Strasbourg, j’essaie de prononcer les noms presque mythiques de villes au Sénégal - M-bour, Zi-guin-chor, Langue-de-Bar-ba-rie, île Go-rée, Yoff, j’imagine le syndrome de Stendhal qui je vais vivre à Bologne… Tout cela me paraît presque irréel et j’ai un peu peur de me lancer trop dans ces rêves de l’ailleurs. Read more
Hello everyone, my name is Federica Ambroso. After graduating in Modern Literature at the University of Bologna and having had two wonderful Erasmus experiences in Greece (study and internship in a publishing house), I decided to apply for the master CLE. Thanks to the CLE I had the opportunity to study in two beautiful towns, Bologna and Thessaloniki, to perfect my knowledge of modern Greek and to broad my horizons, through lectures, conferences, guided tours, but above all through the daily and very stimulating experience of a multicultural environment. To share projects and experiences with people from all over the world, to travel, to develop listening and adaptation skills, to get constantly involved ... This and much more is the master CLE!
Hello everyone, my name is Elisabet Carbó. I come from Barcelona, where I obtained a double degree in Translation and Interpretation and French Philology. After a master's degree in language didactics in Barcelona, I wanted to resume literary studies and that's where the CLE adventure began. First in Strasbourg, then in Bologna, these two years were full of beautiful discoveries, both from an intellectual and a personal perspective. Thanks to this program I was able to perfect my language skills, to reflect deeply on the interaction between cultures and to develop my skills on translation and literary analysis, surrounded by people who have turned this experience into something unforgettable. Not only did the Master CLE allow me to broaden my horizons, but it also opened the doors of the next stage of my career: at the end of this course I was hired by the University of Bologna as a teacher of Catalan language and literature, job that I am currently holding down and that allows me to collaborate with the CLE family. Welcome and good luck!
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