Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Cultures Littéraires Européennes

Activities 2022/2023


Students must attend the courses provided under the CLE Master's program: see Didactic Units  and Courses.

As the mobility in another country is an important part of CLE Master’s program, language courses are organized for this purpose. During the first year students learn or deepen their knowledge of the language(s) of the country(ies) where they intend to study in their second year. Moreover, in order to improve student’s knowledge about European Culture and Literature, conferences, seminars, visits and cultural outings will be proposed all along the two academic years.

In the Dowloads section, at the bottom of the page, Activities' programs organized by university and by year are available.



Images gallery

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day

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Graduation Day


Mulhouse 2021


Mulhouse 2021


Mulhouse 2021

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Mulhouse 2021


Mulhouse 2021


Mulhouse 2021


Mulhouse 2021


Mulhouse 2021


Mulhouse 2021


Mulhouse 2021


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